2020 will forever be remembered for numerous reasons, but most notably the impact COVID 19 had on the entire planet, and on so many levels. Everything was effected, literally everything. Weddings most certainly felt the full brunt of restrictions and laws put in place by State and Federal authorities as they attempted to limit the virus’ impact.

It was a very tense time for a few months there as couples contemplated and carried through with re-scheduling, cancelling, postponing or proceeding. I’m pleased to say I was able to help my couples navigate these obstacles and find resolutions with little fuss. Phew!

Amongst all that there was those Weddings and Elopements that did proceed. Some couples had no other choice. Some pivoted and down sized from a larger wedding to a smaller elopement and vice versa. Dance Floors were on again, off again and I can’t help but tip my hat to all the Muso’s and DJ’s who weathered the storm through that period. Celebrants, Photographers, Videographers, Florists, Make Up Artists, Cake Makers, Venues and everyone else involved in the Wedding Industry, I tip my hat to you too. The largest acknowledgement however, goes to all the married couples of 2020. I’m sure you’ll have some stories to tell.

Above all, I’m super proud of what I was able to achieve in 2020 and I’m super grateful to all my 2020 couples for having me along to capture your day. 2020 just may well have been my best year yet. 2020 reinforced what was important professionally and personally. I feel my photography got better and I began to offer Videography as a service with the help of some excellent colleagues. 2020 taught me that we are more resilient than we give ourselves credit for but also more vulnerable than we thought. It’s a fine line we tread for sure.

This is a post that is usually reserved for January each year. It’s my favourite blog post to make. Maybe I’ll wait until the dust settles at the start of the new year to release it and make it a February thing.

Here is 2020 – The Best Day Evers

If you’re planning a Wedding or Elopement on a Farm, by the Beach, in the Vineyards, in the City or anywhere else for that matter, I’d love to photograph it, please get in touch here: https://mattsphotography.com.au/contact/